Panasonic FV-WC10VE1 Exterior Wall Cap for WhisperComfort ERV’s Exterior wall cap accessory designed exclusively for use with WhisperComfort® and Intelli-Balance® 100 ERV to conveniently allow both exhaust and supply airflow through a hole in the building envelope.
- Unique Y shape chamber and the wall cap help prevent cross contamination
- Designed exclusively for use with WhisperComfort and Intelli-Balance 100 Series ERV & 60 CFM WhisperComfort ERV
The WhisperVent™ Wall Cap is designed for use with WhisperComfort 60, as well as the Intelli-Balance 100 ERV’s. This optional
accessory simplifies installation with both exhaust and supply airflow through a single 7.5″ penetration in the building envelope. The
dividers of the unique Y shaped chamber and the wall cap help prevent cross contamination; with air flow rated up to 100 CFM per side.
Unlike traditional installations where two wall caps were required, the WhisperVent™ Wall Cap accessory with Expanded Polystyrene
adapter conveniently allows both exhaust (from the one side) and supply (from the second side), through a single 7.5″ penetration in the building envelope.
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